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- Top contains motor and off-balance rotor with rotational wobble.
- The wobbling rotational impulse provides top impetus to spin in clockwise direction. For additional info, see: P3-3503_DS.
- Top also contains a red/green/blue LED. Persistence of vision mixes primary colors as top spins, allowing eye to see various secondary colors depending on LED flashing pattern.
- Located in L03, section D4.

Tricks to making it work
- Put just enough weight on the top so that it doesn’t lift
off the pad while raising top to levitation height; too much weight causes
top to drop back down.
- After attempting to level the base, take a few test runs
and observe the tops tendencies. If top tends to fly off on one particular
side, raise the base on that side by twisting corresponding leg.
- Many people can’t spin a top- use electric top spinner.