Elastic Pendulum


When started gently, motion alternates between angular and radial oscillation.  The period of the switching can be modified by changing the ratio of the spring’s natural frequency to the pendulum’s natural frequency.

Location: L02, section C1

Spring Loaded Cart


Spring Loaded Cart Demo Picture

  • Located in L02, section B1.
  • Place metal plates (two) on track end stops and seperate
    end stops by about 5 cm (as shown above); place spring on launcher shaft and
    insert launcher shaft through holes in metal plates, compressing spring. Small
    pin on string allows for quick, frictionless release.

Paradoxical Force


Paradoxical force demo picure

Paradoxical force demo picture

  • Spring Scale is connected to two hanging weights. Many students
    predict that the value of the scale reading will be the sum of the two weights, not simply the value of one- hence the name “paradoxical”, I guess.
  • Located in L02, section B4. Scales and weights in section




Tug-o-war demo picture

Tug-o-war demo picture 2

  • Hang two masses of equal weight, connected
    to opposite sides of spring scale, over pulleys, as shown above. Scale reading is that of one weight. Masses in above picture equal 200 grams.
  • Located in L02, section B-4, top shelf.
  • Weights located in L35, section D-1.


Hook’s Law


Hook's law demo picture

Hook's law demo picture 2

  • Set contains meterstick with metal hook, spring with needle indicator, and clamp.
  • Clamp the meter stick to a ring stand as shown in the above photo. Extension length is easily read.
  • Located in L02, section D-2.