
air foil 2


air foil 1



  • When air is blown across the surface of airfoil (paper wing), high pressure results on the lower side, and low pressure on the upper side, creating lift. What’s interesting, and non-intuitive, is that when the blown air is directed entirely over the top of the wing lift results, causing the wing to rise.
  • Located in Lo2, section D1 or D2. Air source in L35, B3 corner.



Absolute Zero


Absolute Zero Demo Picture


In a gas thermometer, pressure varies linearly with tempurature
(at fixed volume), and is given by P=aT+b, in degrees celsius. One can determine
the value of absolute zero by calibrating the gas thermometer at non-extreme
temperatures and extrapolating the calibration curve to the point of zero pressure
(and hence zero temperature).



Fill gas thermometer with air by opening the valve all the way,
then close the valve tightly to seal the bulb. Place the bulb of the gas thermometer
into a water bath of known temperature and record pressure and temperature.
Repeat procedure with at least one more bath of a different temperature. Plot
data, and extrapolate to zero pressure to determine abs zero. To test accuracy
of calibration curve, use gas thermometer to determine temperature of LN2. Should
get something close to -196 degrees Celsius. (However, oxygen will liquify,
causing P vs T curve to become non-linear. So, may not get exactly -196.)



All thermo lab supplies are located in L35, sections G and H.
Saftey glasses are in section C1.





Water Rocket

Water Rocket copy


  • Purpose: Illustrate how pressure and conservation of momentum
    are involved in rocketry.
  • Fill rocket 1/3 full with water; secure black, plastic cap
    as tightly as possible; insert needle into hole of cap; attach bike pump to
    needle; invert rocket and rest in pvc launch pad; pump up bottle being careful
    not to shake it or tip it over. 2-liter bottle much more effective than smaller
  • Please wear protective goggles!
  • Located in L02, section B5.