Driven Pendulum

driven pend 2

driven pend

  • Tap pendulum repeatedly with pool noodle (pink thing). If tapping frequency matches swinging frequency, amplitude of swing will increase and become very large. If tapping frequency is too high or too low (i.e., does not match swing frequency), swing amplitude will remain small.
  • Pendulum and noodle located in L02, section C1. Ring stand in L35, section A.

Elastic Pendulum


When started gently, motion alternates between angular and radial oscillation.  The period of the switching can be modified by changing the ratio of the spring’s natural frequency to the pendulum’s natural frequency.

Location: L02, section C1

Driven Oscillator


Driven Oscillator Demo Picture

When the sine wave generator is tuned to the right freequency ( the natural frequency of the mass-spring system) the mass oscillates with very large amplitude. When generator is not tuned to the natural frequency of the spring (even if off by .1 Hz), oscillation amplitude is very small.


  • Pasco Sine Wave Generator and Driver: L35, section C3
  • Masses: L35, section D1
  • Ring Stand: L35, section A
  • Spring: L35, section C2