Impulse Block

impulse block 1

  • Two different balls can be rolled down incline to collide with wooden block. When rubber, bouncy ball collides with block, block tips over.
  • However, when non-bouncy ball collides with block (looks identical to bouncy ball) block does not tip over. Balls have same size and weight.


  • Balls and block located in L02, section B5.
  • Track in Lo2, section B2.
  • Jacks in L35, section D1.

Marble Bounce


  • Glass has a very high coefficient of restitution. This makes glass marbles very bouncy, if dropped on very hard surfaces. When a marble is dropped onto the head of a hardened steel hammer (as shown on the left in the above photo) the marble bounces almost back up to the height of release. If dropped onto the surface of non-hardened steel (as shown on the right) the marble only bounces about 2/3 of the way back up.
  • Located in L02, section B4