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- Purpose: Demonstrate that changing magnetic flux induces emf.
- Push magnet into solenoid and galvanometer needle deflects, indicating induced emf; pull magnet out of solenoid and galvanometer needle deflects the opposite way.
- Solenoid and magnet:L01, section B2
- Galvanometer: L35, section F3

- Purpose: Illustrate principles of electro-magnetic induction.
- Send current through solenoid and measure direction of B-field
using B-field indicator (magnaprobe). Place coil of wire in front of solenoid
and quickly adjust current; galvanometer will indicate induced emf consistent
with Lenz’s law.
- Solenoid and wire coil located in L01, section B2.
- Power supply- L35, section F1;
- magnaprobe- L35, section E4, top shelf
- galvanometers- L35, section F3