

Electrophorus demo picture

  • Charge the plastic electrophorus plate negative by rubbing it with fur. Placing the metallic plate on top of the plastic plate and connecting it to a grounding wire will give the metallic plate a positive charge by induction.
    Existence of these charges can be verified using the electroscope. The plastic
    plate should retain its negative charge long enough for demonstrator to charge metal plate several times.


  • Electrophorus demo: L01, section A2, top shelf.
  • Electroscope: L01, section A2.




Electroscope demo photo 2

  • Purpose: Study the nature of electric charge in a qualitative
  • Charging a rod: to create a positivley charged rod rub glass with silk; to create a negatively charged rod rub teflon with fake fur (the blue stuff).
  • To determine the conductivity of an object: Charge the electroscope, then touch the electroscope top (metal sphere) with the object. If the object is an insulator the electroscope will not respond to the touch.
  • Located in L01