Coulomb Force on Water

coulomb force on water1

coulomb force on water 2

Charge teflon rod with fake fur (shown in above photo) by rubbing together.

When charged rod is brought into the proximity of water stream, attraction between water and charged rod will cause stream to deflect.

  • Rod and fur located in L01, section A-1.
  • Bucket with hole, and tub, located in L35, section G-3.

Coulomb Apparatus


Coulomb Apparatus demo picture
Coulomb Apparatus demo picture 2

  • Demonstrate 1/r^2 dependence of Coulomb force.
  • For accurate measurements, potential difference between charged
    spheres should be maintained using high-voltage power supply.
  • For less-quantitative measurement, spheres can be charged
    with rod and fur. Charge on sphere can then be measured using proof plane,
    Faraday Ice Pail, and electrometer (right).


  • Coulomb Apparatus: L01, section A2.
  • Proof plane: L01, section A2, plastic bin.
  • Faraday Ice Pail: L01, A2.
  • Electrometer: L01, A1.