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- Use on aluminum track, or on smooth, hard surface.
- Located in L02, section C2; in bin with doppler rocket.

- Located in L02, section D4.

- Located in L02, section B1.
- Place metal plates (two) on track end stops and seperate
end stops by about 5 cm (as shown above); place spring on launcher shaft and
insert launcher shaft through holes in metal plates, compressing spring. Small
pin on string allows for quick, frictionless release.

- Demonstrate Newton’s 2nd and 3rd law.
- Cart without plate attachment (left image) accelerates when
fan is engaged; cart with plate attachment will not accelerate.
- Located in L02, section B4.

- Purpose: Demonstrate principles of Galilean relativity and
projectile motion.
- Place ball in spring loaded launcher; set cart in motion;
launcher is triggered by photogate as cart passes trigger bracket; ball travels
in parabola and lands back in cart.
- Located in L03, section B3. Track in section B2.