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- 8 ft long bag requires many dozens of breaths to inflate if held directly to the mouth.
- But when bag opening is held a short distance from mouth, bag can be inflated with one breath.
- Bernoulli’s principle can be used to explain how a current of swift moving air can pull a large volume of air along with it. See: P6-7350_DS
- Located in L02, section D1.

- When air is blown over the top of a piece of paper, reduction of air pressure creates lift, causing paper to levitate.
- Fan located in L02, section B4
- Paper with rod located in L02, section D1

- Air-flow around ball causes nonintuitive levitation and stability.
- A nozzle connected to the air-blower creates a narrow stream of fast moving air.
- Ball can be levitated directly above air nozzle, or at an angle.
- When funnel is connected to air hose, air flow around ball creates lift, preventing ball from falling, even when air flow is directed downwards.
- Blower, nozzle and funnel located in L35. Ball in L02 section A2.

- When air is blown across the surface of airfoil (paper wing), high pressure results on the lower side, and low pressure on the upper side, creating lift. What’s interesting, and non-intuitive, is that when the blown air is directed entirely over the top of the wing lift results, causing the wing to rise.
- Located in Lo2, section D1 or D2. Air source in L35, B3 corner.